Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)





1) Virus Name (Scientific)

2) Disease of disorder caused by virus

3) Description of virus structure (Drawing)

4) How is the virus transmitted?

5) How can transmission be prevented?

6) Describe the type of body cells attacks

7) What are are the symptoms of infection?

8) How does the body defend itself?

9) Are there any treatments/vaccines? If so describe

10) 5 Interesting facts





1) Corona virus SARS corona virus coronaviridae

2) Serve Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)


4) SARS is spread through close contact with someone who is infected with SARS corona virus. Close contact includes living in the same household, providing care to someone with SARS, or having direct contact with respiratory secretions and body fluids.

5) Transmission can be prevented if individuals avoid close contact with SARS patients.

6) White blood cells are attacks by SARS.

7) Some of the symptoms of this infection include body aching, headaches, high temperature, and a dry cough.

8) The cellular immune system (CIS) detects the presence of pathogens (pathogen means capable of killing), and eliminates the infection.

9) Wash your hands, protect yourself and others by covering your mouth when coughing.

10) - Who discovered it? World Heath Organization

      - Did you know that a British scientist discovered that SARS might be from outer space?

      - Did you know that in many Asian airports passengers are being screened for SARS symptoms before boarding?

      - Did you know that Chinese scientists discovered that SARS can live up to fifteen days outside the human body?

      - Did you know that the air in an aircraft completely changes everything three to five minutes to filter particles in the air to prevent SARS





(Posted By Riun Garner)




Virus Project - SARS


by merve ozkan


1) Virus name (Scientific)

        Coronavirus SARS coronavirus coronaviridae

2) Disease or disorder caused by virus

        Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (sars)

3) Description of virus structure (drawing)

4) How is the virus transmitted?

        Coughing and sneezing produces droplets. Droplets can be reached long distances. SARS can be spread through coughing and sneezing. Other examples include kissing, sharing drinks, and sharing untensils.


5) How can transmission be prevented?

        Transmission can be prevented by washing your hands frequently with soap and water. Encourage people around to cover their nose and mouth with their hand or a tissue when coughing or sneezing. Avoiding close contact with patients that are affected by SARS can prevent SARS from spreading.


6) Describe the type of body cells atacked.

        When attacked by SARS white blood cells and platlets are often low.

7) What are the symptoms of infection?

        An individual begins to have a temperature greater then 38.0 degrees celsius. Symptoms include headache, feeling discomfort and body aches. After two to seven days many Sars patients develop a dry cough.


8) How does the body defend itself?

       The immune system is like a sheild it protects our limbs and our life. The elements that makeup the immune system are the thymus gland, bone marrow, the spleen and white blood cells.


9) Are there any treatments/ vanccine? (If so describe)

      The virus can be artificially recreated and injected into patients. The patients immune system reacts to the artifical SARS by creating antibodies which will prevent a person from future infection. Other ways that a person can protect themselves from getting sars is by wearing a mask. If you develop a runny nose , sore throat and a cough make sure its not contagious. Wash your hands regularly. Wash your hands after sneezing. Avoid visiting crowded places with poor ventilation.


10) 5 intersting facts. (Who discovered it)

        SARS had been discovered by the World Health Organization (WHO). Five interesting facts about SARS are it is deadly, it spreads rapidly. SARS spread world wide. It spread to Canada, Hong Kong  and other places. It was reported in Asia in February 2003. It is the new virus of the 21st century.