
1.Virus Name( Scientific):


2.Disease or disorder caused by virus:


3.Description of virus structure:


4.How is virus transmitted?


5.How can transmission be prevented?


6.Describe the type of body cells attacked:


7.What are the symptoms of infection?:


8.How does the body defend itself?:


9.Are there any treatments/vaccines?:


10.Iinteresting facts:

Hannah Kim(block C)













By: Jonathan Zhang (Block D)







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1) Variola Vera

2)Small Pox



4) 4)Virus is transmitted by social contact or direct contact with infected body fluids or contaminated objects like bedding or clothes.

5) The virus can be prevented by a vaccine. If taken before exposure, it can protect about 95% of people from getting small pox. Innoculation is also effective.

6) Boddy cells that are attaked by small pox are the Skin Cells.

7) Symptoms are influenza and the common cold: fevers, muscle pain, stomach aches ect. Also other symptoms are pimples that erupt first in mouth and then on arms and hands and later the rest of the body.

8) The body can defend itself by producing heat.(fevers, vomiting,)

9) There is a vaccine, but it doesnt completely cure the virus.


>Smallpox is responsibile for 300-500 million deaths in the 20th century

>Some believe that the death of 90-95% of the native populations of the new world was caused by smallpox.

>Long term characteristics of survivors are skin scars.

>Smallpox is highly contagious although less so that other infectious diseases.

>Smallpox is used in biochemical warfare.




BY: Vojin Vukman





1)The scientific names are Variola major and Variola minor.

2)The smallpox disease is caused by a virus.

3)A virus structure has about two hundred genes in its DNA strand.

4)The virus is transmitted by touching the infected areas called skin lesions, coughing and sneezing anything the infected person touches. You usually get it by breathing it in and it goes in your bloodstream.

5)I think you should stay away from the infected person and don't touch anything they touch.

6)The type of cells attracted while having smallpox are host cells in the human body.

7)Some symtoms are chills, headache, backache, nausea, vomiting, fever and red spots on the skin that turn into puslike blisters.

8)The body defends itself by dirrehea and your body produces heat so you get cold and get a fever.

9)There are no vaccinations and there is no cure. The only treatment is to let your body fight it by itself.

10)          Interesting Facts